Storm Preparation

Bad weather alerts, including tornadoes, are old hat to most of us who call the Ozarks home. Yet no matter how often these sorts of storms roll through town, we shouldn’t get complacent or underestimate the tremendous damage they can do. If you don’t have one already, now is the perfect time to make sure your storm preparation plan is solid.

Emergency Prep Checklist

Think Through Every Eventuality

Tornados might not touch down while you’re within reach of your basement. Know where you’re going to go should bad weather occur while you’re at work, at a friend’s house, at a restaurant, and so forth. Don’t let the sirens catch you unawares.

Know where to go in the event of an emergencyKnow Where to Go

Pick a place in your home and designate it as the go-to in the event of a tornado. This room should be something like a basement, an interior closet, or a bathroom with no windows. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re as close to the ground as possible.

Keep Connected

Tune in to local weather to keep tabs on the storm’s progress. Cell phones are great in this type of scenario, but have a backup battery radio available just in case service is disrupted.

Make sure your children know the planPrepare Your Kids

Make sure your children know what to do if a tornado strikes while they’re at school. Learn the school’s severe weather procedures, as well as the dismissal policy.

Tornado warning sirens have a unique wail—ensure your kids are familiar with this sound and what it means, particularly if they’re at school, playing outside, at a friend’s house, or in another place that’s not home.


Have a first-aid kit handy; make sure it’s properly stocked and everyone in the house knows where to find it.

Teach your kids how to use a first-aid kit. It also wouldn’t hurt for them to know how to safely operate a fire extinguisher or how to turn off gas, water, and electricity. Give them the tools they need to get through a storm in the event you’re not home when it strikes.

Know where to find your circuit breakerPrepare to Lose Power

Clearly mark your utility switches and valves. Emergency situations are often frantic, which can lead to otherwise avoidable mistakes. Make sure you’re giving yourself and your family as much advanced help as possible.

Your home emergency kit should be ready with all the things you might need should you become trapped in your home or without power. These things include water, nonperishable canned/dried food (like tuna or crackers), a manual can opener, battery-powered radio, first-aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries, and prescription meds. If there’s a baby in your home, have the formula and baby food at the ready as well.

Tornado Touching DownWhen it comes to caring for your home in the aftermath of a storm, call your friends at Dale’s Roofing. We’ll identify any storm damage and even help you with your insurance claim. And if you’re a member of the Stay DRI Maintenance Club, you’ll receive priority appointments, debris removal, and discounts on repairs or replacements among many other benefits.

The best type of emergency plan is those you never have to enforce. Still, with the bad weather we receive, knowing your plan of action ahead of time can help you keep calm if emergency situations arise.


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